Introduction: Online Communities
Taking part in physical activity and sport brings people together and forms communities both online and offline. We’ve collated this guide to help explore the role online communities can have in supporting people to become and stay active.
- Activity providers such as sports and community clubs or personal trainers
- People working in leisure or health facilities
- Local authority leisure, sport development or public health leads
- Digital and tech companies that provide activity programmes
In this guide we’ll share more about online communities and take a closer look at how Facebook Groups have been used to form online communities and the role they can play in supporting people to be physically active.
- What are online communities, and what are the different types of online communities exist
- What are Facebook Groups and why should you be thinking about using them
- Three examples of successful Facebook Groups
- A detailed look at WhatsApp communities; including case studies of how they’re used to support people to be more physically active
What are online communities? Facebook groups WhatsApp communities Online Communities
Click on the topic areas below to work your way through the learning resources and content on online communities.