

London Sport

Health/Health System


Physical inactivity is associated with 1 in 6 deaths in the UK and is estimated to cost the UK £7.4 billion annually (including £0.9 billion to the NHS alone).

Health is one of London Sport’s key focus areas, with many less active Londoners interacting with the healthcare system.  

“If physical activity was a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.”

Those experiencing the most pronounced health inequalities, including Londoners with disabilities and Long-Term Conditions, are most likely to be amongst the least active. 

Integrating Physical Activity Within Healthcare

In 2022, London Sport partnered with the Mayor’s Office, OHID – London, ADPH – London, TfL and the Healthy London Partnership to conduct research to understand how Physical Activity was integrated within Healthcare in London, and what appetite and interest existed to expand this.  

Headline findings found:

  • Both the Physical Activity and Healthcare sectors report a lack of confidence in engaging with each other. 
  • There is significant variation in the use of Physical Activity in relation to health conditions.   

Using Open Data and Digital Products in Referral settings

London Sport has worked for a number of years on the use of Open Data, Digital Products and Technology within Physical Activity Referral. 

Open Data: between 2020 – 2021, we conducted a research project to investigate how local referral agencies might use Open Data to make it easier for their service users and link workers, or other health and social care professionals or volunteers, to find a local Physical Activity or Sport session that is right for them.  

London Sport’s work on Open Data is predominantly based on the following products/work areas: 

  • ‘Open Sessions’ is a free platform that enables sport and physical activity providers to post their sessions to a host of activity finders.
  • ‘Get Active’ is an activity finder website, powered by Open Data, which makes it simple to see what is happening near you.  
    Social Prescribing Scheme Software Systems. London Sport hosts nearly 110,000 sports and Physical Activity sessions on its
  • ‘Open Sessions’ platform. Work is taking place to explore how this data can be linked to Social Prescribing software systems to widen the range of Physical Activity opportunities that Link Workers have access to and can refer into. 

London Physical Activity for Health Network

The London Physical Activity for Health (PAfH) Network is convened by London Sport, in partnership with OHID – London and ADPH – London as a means of sharing information and opportunities on Physical Activity and Health.  

It includes monthly and interim updates and quarterly meetings. If you’d like to join, please contact Advisor – [email protected] and we’ll be pleased to add you to the distribution list. 

Other Resources

Support for Personalised roles on Physical Activity 

With the support of the University of Kent, London Sport has developed training for staff and volunteers working in Social Prescribing programmes or in position to provide personalised support for inactive people. This training is aimed at those able to spend more time and have deeper, person centred, conversations about getting physically active.   

If you’d like more information on the training, please see the flyer, here or contact Rob McLean on [email protected]  

I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28