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Leadership Team

Meet our leadership team who drive the strategic direction of London Sport

Emily Robinson

Chief Executive Officer

Emily joined London Sport as Chief Executive Officer in February 2022 bringing with her a passion for improving physical and mental health and wellbeing. She is on her own personal journey after taking up five a side women’s football (soccer) as a first-time beginner eighteen months ago.  

Beyond London Sport Emily is a member of WWF’s Impact Goals Committee, a role she has held since 2021 and is a Leaders Plus Mentor.  

She also has a strong interest in behaviour change and the power of physical activity and sport to change people’s lives in terms of mental and physical health, combating loneliness and building connections. In her previous career Emily founded the Dry January campaign which is now undertaken by 8 million British people each year.  

Emily joined London Sport from UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) where she had spent five years leading the organisation’s athlete education programme, running international relations and contributing as part of the leadership team to high profile cases. Her last six months at UKAD were spent as Interim CEO. Prior to UKAD, she spent five years at the charity Alcohol Concern as Deputy Chief Executive.  

Tim Copley

Director of Physical activity & sport development

With nearly 20 years experience as a sport and physical activity development practitioner, Tim is a strong advocate for whole system approaches to tackling inactivity. While at Sport England he worked as an NGB Client Manager while at Press Red Consulting he worked with clients to establish sport and physical activity strategies and undertook innovative research projects to build deeper understanding of people and their communities.

Outside of work, if he’s not coaching an under 9s football team, he’s probably running.

Jade Cation

Director of Impact and Innovation

Jade is a senior leader in sports, fitness and health who has experience in creating and delivering impactful strategies that are based on evidenced need.

Her skills and experiences, gathered at EMD UK and in sports development at national, county and local level, cover everything from data and technology to strategic vision and leadership.

She sits on the Open Active Steering Group and was a swim coach for 15 years working with learn to swim through to triathletes and is passionate about mental health, completing a level 1 counselling qualification.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, swimming and walking, eating good food, and is an avid audible fan.

Tanya Rabin

Director of Commercial, Marketing and Communications

Tanya has significant experience in partnership marketing, communications and consultancy.  She has helped a number of brands including Lloyds Bank, Aviva, TSB, Coca-Cola, Samsung and Reebok, maximise their investment in a range of commercial and purpose-led partnerships, and engaged multiple audiences through creative marketing communications campaigns.  

Tanya joined London Sport in March 2021, and leads on London Sport’s consultancy work, commercial partnership development, marketing and communications. 

She is passionate about the power of sport and physical activity to improve lives, and outside of work when she’s not out running or walking the dog, she’s ferrying her son around to multiple sporting activities.