
London Sport

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

External Practice: 

London Sport exists to make London a more physically active city because we know that physical activity and sport have the ability to change lives for the better. 

We know that minoritised communities in London can face significant barriers to accessing physical activity and sport and this means they are more likely to be at risk of being physically inactive.

Therefore a key part of our mission is to tackle inequalityand promote equality, diversity and inclusion. 

In practice this means: 


Ensuring equality of access for groups at risk of being physically inactive for example we have worked directly with women and girls through our Space for Girls programme and have developed projects for Muslim Women to get more active. We’ll continue to work in this targeted way to tackle inequality of access to sport and physical activity. 


We know from working with minoritised communities that having allies and trusted workers being part of delivering physical activity and sport is really important and we want to make sure that we help all people to be part of physical activity and sport. 

This also means working with a diverse range of stakeholders from local authorities and charities to the health sector and community and voluntary organisations. 


We know from our research and conversations that helping the sector to create safe and inclusive spaces for minoritised communities to not only participate in but also develop and deliver physical activity and sport is really important. For example Through our Sports Welfare programme we’re advising community clubs on how to create safe, welcoming and inclusive environments and through our work on Active Environments we’re identifying non-traditional spaces for sport and physical activity to take place which might be more suitable for minoritised communities 

(These three above can be made into sperate boxes, displayed in somewhat of an animated way, rather than text one after another)

We’ll continue to work with all our stakeholders to bring inclusion to the heart of any sport and physical activity interventions. 

Promoting EDI

Diversity is one of London’s biggest strengths, so we’re also committed to using our communication channels to celebrate key events throughout the year including religious holidays, awareness days, weeks and months and other campaigns. 

Internal Practice: 

At London Sport we have a staff led Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group which meets every 2 months. The purpose of this group is to:

• Provide a safe space for all staff to share lived experiences 

• To keep the organisation attuned to changes relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion issues. 

• To provide a forum for staff led group to contribute directly to London Sport’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)

I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28