
London Sport

Get Active

Get Active is a London Sport digital behaviour change programme designed to support less active Londoners to find and attend local activity sessions.

Get Active delivers direct-to-consumer campaigns, and work with partners to reach a less active audience.

London Sport wants everyone to find the right activity for them, stay in it and achieve their potential and our activity finder Get Active is central to achieving this.

What does Get Active do?

  • Get Active is an activity finder website, powered by open data, which makes it simple to see what is happening near you.
  • It is a hub of useful information to help you get started, including: guides to local activities, what to expect at your first session and our top tips for creating an activity habit.
  • It has a friendly Facebook community to answer questions and provide peer-to-peer support.
  • One-to-one help and guidance to get started from a virtual health coach.

To start an activity search visit www.getactive.io

I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28