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Statutory Information

Our Impact

You can find out more about London Sport’s impact by reading our Impact Reports which are available here.

A Code for Sports Governance

We are committed to ensuring our work complies with the principles of good governance set out in Sport England’s A Code for Sports Governance.

We work closely with Sport England, the Mayor of London’s sports teams and our hundreds of partners, to ensure that our work is coordinated, compliments the efforts of the whole sector and represents London and its residents. We have a strong commitment to progressing towards achieving gender parity and greater diversity across our recruitment, the organisations we partner with, and the Londoners we support.

Our status and registrations

London Sport Limited is a wholly owned trading subsidiary of London Sport, registered in England and Wales as a Private Company Limited by Guarantee number 08355406.

We are registered with the Charity Commission with charity number: 1165100.

Our registered office is House of Sport, 190 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YB.

Financial Reports




Financial reports for 2017/18 and 2018/19 have been published within our annual impact reports here.



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