

London Sport

Social Return On Investment

Physical activity and sport makes Londoners happier and healthier. It does the same thing for our communities; there are life-changing, sustainable benefits that have huge economic and social value.

As part of our LDN Moving strategy, we want the entire physical activity and sport sector to be recognised as essential partners to help overcome national and local challenges.

Social and economic value of community sport and physical activity

Our research shows that for every £1.00 invested in sport and physical activity in London, £1.48 worth of social value is generated for individuals and society.

That was the major finding from a London Sport-commissioned report which uses a Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to look at the real-world impacts of increasing Londoners’ physical activity levels.

This research builds on this innovative work to measure for the first time the SROI of sport and physical activity in Greater London and the quantifiable impacts on London as a city.

In providing clear evidence of the benefits of physical activity and sport, our intention is to strengthen the case for future commitments to increasing participation across the capital.

The National Figures

Across England, for every £1 spent on community sport and physical activity, a return on investment (ROI) of £3.91 was created for individuals and society.

The National Figures

Based on the national figures, physical activity and sport in London accounts for £10bn of social value (including physical and mental health £1.5bn; wellbeing £6bn; individual, social and community development £2.8bn).

Find out more

Other Key Findings Include:

  • Based on 2015/16 participation levels, it is estimated that in London the following cases were averted: 36,160 cases of coronary heart disease and stroke, 16,696 cases of Type 2 diabetes, 413 cases of breast cancer, 194 cases of colon cancer and 67,583 fewer people experiencing clinical depression.
  • At an individual level, sports participation creates average improvements to subjective wellbeing equivalent to a value of £1,161. For the sports volunteer this subjective wellbeing improvement is the equivalent of £2,428
  • Engagement in physical activity and sport was estimated to prevent 3,164 criminal instances among London males aged 10-24 years. The unit cost saving for each crime averted is estimated at £3,168

Exploring Outcomes - Case Studies:

Core Sport / Core Arts
Wendy, Dao Lu
Adrian Klemens, Dynamic Sports Academy
Double Jab Boxing Club
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28