

London Sport

Introduction: What is digital? 

Introduction: What is digital?

What is ‘digital’? What does digital actually mean? Are ‘digital’ and ‘tech’ the same thing? Does ‘innovation’ mean ‘digital’?

The term digital can often cause confusion, particularly in the sport and physical activity sector. Although most individuals, and sport and physical activity organisations, use digital (to varying degrees), the term ‘digital’ often gets conflated.

This section has been created on London Sport’s Knowledge Hub with the aim of helping you better understand what you mean by the term digital, what role digital currently plays in your operations and delivery, and what role digital could play in the future, with the aim of helping everyone across sport and physical activity have greater clarity and confidence about all things digital.

  • Activity providers such as sports and community clubs or personal trainers 
  • People working in leisure or health facilities 
  • Local authority leisure, sport development or public health leads 
  • Digital and tech companies that provide activity programmes 

In this guide we’ll introduce digital, look at how you can define digital for you and your organisation, and explore how activity providers can embrace digital to improve operational efficiencies and enhance the customer experience. We’ll cover the following topic areas:

  1. What does digital means for your organisation
  2. The importance of digital for you and your organisation
  3. The difference between digital and innovation

What does digital mean for your organisation? The importance of digital Digital vs Innovation Knowledge Hub

Click on the topic areas below to work your way through the learning resources and content on digital.

1. What does digital mean for your organisation?

2. The importance of digital

3. Digital vs Innovation

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Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28
I’ve got some moves. You don’t get to my age without learning a few moves
Joan, 71
London Sport has helped me more than I ever could of imagined
Alex, 28