London Sport staff gained valuable insights into removing barriers and preventing discrimination by taking part in a Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language course ahead of this week’s Deaf Awareness Week (2-8 May).
It is estimated that 11 million people in the UK are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and there are more than 50,000 deaf children in the UK.
The session offered the opportunity for staff to develop their understanding of Deaf culture, Deaf humour, and different methods of Deaf communication such as lip-reading, writing notes and British Sign Language.
Susan Hutton, Director of Finance, People and Governance organised the course as part of London Sport’s continued efforts to be an inclusive and welcoming organisation.
She said: “London Sport is taking action to be an inclusive and supportive organisation that supports members of our community and partners who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
“All new starters attend a Be Inclusive and Active disability training course as part of their induction so this worked as an excellent refresher as well as building further knowledge in key areas.”
Course leader Bob McCluskey, from SignSolutions, shared his experience of being Deaf, learning British Sign Language and common misconceptions about the Deaf community.
Staff gained valuable knowledge regarding communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, including fingerspelling and basic everyday signs.
The session also offered valuable insights into how to remove barriers to Deaf individuals in the workplace and prevent discrimination.
What our staff said:
“I am eager to keep improving and find myself practising when waiting in queues and commuting.”

“I will absolutely being doing my best to keep up some sign practice and the session was hopefully the start of that.”