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Completed Projects

With the launch of LDN Moving in February 2021, we’re ensuring that all our efforts as an organisation are dedicated to making real change through physical activity and sport.

And on our journey to make London the most physically active city in the world, we are continuing to learn and develop our approaches and our methods in reaching the least active Londoners.

Below is a summary of some of the projects that we have completed since our inception in 2015. 

While they may have had varying levels of success, they have all helped us learn, develop as an organisation and given us great resources from which we can continue our efforts to champion physical activity and sport across the capital.

Find out what you can learn below:

Our Completed Projects:

LDN Moves Me was a London Sport-led campaign designed to celebrate Londoners getting active in every way across the capital.

Sportivate was a programme that offered young people across the country the chance to discover sports they would love, and to increase youth participation levels.

A programme funded by the Mayor of London, ClubWorks existed to help clubs of all types across London to access the training and support they needed to grow and thrive.

More information and contact details:

For more information around our work in any of these areas, please contact us here.