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Satellite Club Resources

This page has been created exclusively for existing London Sport Satellite Clubs who are delivering activity to young people in London.

If you have any questions or queries regarding anything to do with running your Satellite Clubs, please email us here.

Children during a BMX session in Peckham

Marketing Materials

To aid Satellite Clubs with marketing – and getting more young people to attend and get active – we’ve created a series of resources.

The resources are design to be adapted to each individual clubs’ needs and can be emailed out digitally, used on social media or printed as physical flyers and posters.

Each resource is based around Sport England’s Youth Personalities research. Click on the below buttons to download a zip folder with multiple marketing resources.

Sustainability Guide

It is vital to consider the long-term financial sustainability of your Satellite Club from the outset.

This resource provides details and information on how you can achieve sustainability and continue the delivery of your Satellite Club without the need for further funding.

Youth Personalities

Youth Personalities can help you understand the young people you’re trying to reach.

The size of the groups can help with decisions on resource allocation, and the ‘fresh approach’ provides practical guidance to help you engage with the different personalities in the way that’s right for them.

For more information on Satellite Clubs click here.