Active London 2018 will explore how collaboration between different sectors and industries can address the challenges created by inequality, and what role physical activity could play in reducing inequality and promoting health, wellbeing, prosperity and social integration.
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The event, being held at the Kia Oval, is designed to bring together both traditional sport and physical activity partners and representatives from other sectors, such as health, transport, housing, environment, families/CYP, and communities. We expect a mix of Local Authority Leads, national and regional agencies, health organisations, housing providers, facility and park managers, charities and community organisations.
The agenda will offer attendees an opportunity to better understand how they can use physical activity to achieve a broad range of outcomes aligned to their own priorities, and provide opportunities to network with cross-sector organisations to encourage collaboration and co-production.

The day will start with keynotes from some of the key influencers in the sector, talking about the challenges we face regarding health, wellbeing, prosperity and social integration, and highlighting the outcomes that physical activity has been demonstrated to achieve. The keynote sessions will also set the scene for the day: Improving London’s health, wellbeing, prosperity and social integration through physical activity.
The afternoon will consist of a series of themed discussion groups hosted by leading organisations and individuals that have first-hand knowledge of the topics, and will share their experience and facilitate discussion. Key themes will be based on health outcomes, applying a whole systems approach, the environment, and how physical activity can be embedded in people’s everyday lives.
The event will conclude with the opportunity for drinks and networking with other delegates on the Corinthian roof terrace. We hope that the event lays the foundations for new ideas and partnerships.
Don’t miss Active London 2018, get your early bird tickets now and join us to explore how today’s physical activity initiatives can shape the health, wellbeing and prosperity of tomorrow’s London.
Morning Plenary Session
09:00 – 10:00: Registration
10:00 – 10:25: Welcome and Opening Remarks
10.30 – 12:15: Keynotes
12.20 – 13:20: Lunch on the Corinthian roof terrace
Themed Discussion Groups
13.30 – 14:50:
Physical Activity and London’s Environment
Physical Activity in Londoners’ Lives
Physical Activity and the Whole-System Approach
Physical Activity and Health Outcomes for London
15:00 – 16:20:
Physical Activity and London’s Environment
Physical Activity in Londoners’ Lives
Physical Activity and the Whole-System Approach
Physical Activity and Health Outcomes for London
Networking and Drinks Reception
16.30: Networking and Drinks Reception