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Activating Physical Activity Programmes for Women and Girls


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09:30 – 10:00: Arrival
10:00 – 10:25: Activating This Girl Can
10.30 – 10.55: Too Fat to Run?
11.00 – 11:25: This Girl Can Islington
11.30 – 11:55: Breast Cancer survivor’s journey
12:00 – 12:20: Reflection Exercise
12:20 – 12:30: Closing Remarks


Each year, physical activity and sport generates over £8bn of social value in London.

From savings associated with health prevention to the increased subjective wellbeing enjoyed by participants and volunteers, physical activity and sport have the potential to make a profound, positive impact on the future of our city.

London Sport are putting together a series of communities of practice events aimed at the sector to bring together like minded stakeholders to tackle the issue of inactivity.

40% of women aged 16 and over are not active enough to get the full health benefits of sport and physical activity.

Activating Physical Activity Programme for Women and Girls 2019 will bring together stakeholders who want to make an impact and increase physical activity for this demographic.


This community of practice event is aimed at Local Authority officers/ sport and leisure providers/ community organisations leading on sport and physical activity programmes for communities and specifically women and girls.


In 2015 Sport England launched the This Girl Can Campaign to get women moving regardless of size, shape or ability. This event will examine the third phase of This Girl Can launched – Fit Got Real, specifically reaching out to women of all backgrounds and ethnicities who feel left behind by traditional exercise.

Founder of Too Fat to Run? Julie Creffield will present on how she engaged overweight and inactive women to participate in Sport.

Islington Council will share their learning on their borough wide This Girl Can Islington programme, which engaged over 3000 women and girls aged 14+.

Hear from a breast cancer survivor on her journey and the barriers she has faced being physically active.

Join us at the House of Sport on 24 January to hear about these initiatives and explore how you can activate physical activity programmes for women and girls.

Place are limited so please book your tickets now.
Due to a restriction on capacity for this event London Sport reserve the rights to cancel any booking.