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#GirlsFootballWeek – BIGKID Foundation used Facebook to engage more participants in their Girls Football Programme

#GirlsFootballWeek – BIGKID Foundation used Facebook to engage more participants in their Girls Football Programme

With the adverse weather we faced in the capital a couple if months ago, BIGKID Foundation’s Girls Football Programme, which engages girls aged 11-18 in two two-hour football sessions each week, took a bit of a hit with their participation numbers.

To combat this, they set up a Facebook campaign, specifically targeting 11-18 year olds in Lambeth who were not currently participating in physical activity and sport, letting them know that the sessions were taking place and how they could get involved. As a result of this, The BIGKID Foundation have seen their numbers grow and grow.

As it stands, the BIGKID Foundation’s Girls Football Programme now has:

  • 25 girls attend their Tuesday sessions
  • 27 girls attend their Saturday sessions

Girls playing football during This Girl Can campaign

Through these sessions, which include both fitness and technical football elements, participant fitness levels have increased and understanding and skills in a game situations have improved. They’ve also seen massive developments in participants’ self-awareness and self-confidence as well as greater dedication and improved communication and teamwork skills.

Club of the Year runners up at the London Sport Awards 2018, the BIGKID Foundation go in to areas where young people are struggling with the pressures of gangs, crime and deprivation. Engage with them on a personal level and assist them in making a positive step change in their life. For more information click here.

For more information on using Facebook Ads for your club, check out this handy article.

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