Haringey, Latest News, physical activity for health Yes, Ball Games – One Council’s mission to open up activity
behaviour change, digital marketing, london, parks, walking National Parks Week celebrates wealth of activities which take place in capital’s parks and open spaces
Announcement, children and young people, Latest News, tech for participation, Technology New digital opportunities for London Youth Games
blog, Latest News, London National Park City, Mayor of London Have Parks, Will Play: how London’s green spaces make us different
blog, Latest News, National Park City Week ‘Welcoming and Active’: One London community’s vision for their local park
Announcement, Latest News, Mayor of London Mayor’s draft Sport Strategy outlines bold ambitions for sport in London
Announcement, children and young people, Latest News, tennis LTA announce 1000 further Tennis for Kids places in London
Active Citizens Worldwide, Announcement, Latest News, Press Release London, Auckland, Singapore launch first Active Citizens Worldwide Report
Case Study, Latest News Case study: Using evidenced based interventions to reduce levels of inactivity in London schools
“The more feedback you can give to London Sport, the better that they tailor the programme to your needs” – David Brownlee