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Local Authority Chief Leisure Officers Meeting

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London Sport are inviting heads of leisure, physical activity and sport services to come together for the first of the 2019 Bi-annual meetings.

With 33 London Boroughs there are a myriad of opportunities, challenges, and possibilities for everyone to take on board, and nearly always someone whose been through similar thought processes, technical operations, strategic planning, and undertaking delivery. For London to become the Most Active City and support less active Londoners into leading more active lives we need to work together and share what we know.



8:45-10am: Breakfast Networking

Welcome to House of Sport. Informally facilitated networking, meaning we’ll be on hand to introduce boroughs with similar work taking place, and give you opportunities to explore more of what you have in common through your approaches.

10:00-10:45: Working Smarter in times of austerity

Using live examples and case studies to explore how the challenges posed by shrinking budgets can be over come by collaborative working within councils, but also with the community through groups, organisations, networks and assets. This session will involve discussion breakouts and close with a short section on how London Sport can support your approach in the future.

10:45-11:00: Break

11:00-11:45: Active Lives Children and Young People: What it means for future planning

Deep dive into what the data really means, how to add local context through other local data sources, and how to use this knowledge to plan and focus your programmes both in and outside of education services.  We’ll highlight local examples and leave time for breakout group discussions.

11:45-12:30: Important Updates and any other business.

This event is set for Local Authority Chief Leisure Officers, however if there is a more suitable local authority colleague who should attend please let us know, or you need to send a proxy please do.